For example, if you are wanting to reach a younger female demographic, you would be wanting to implement softer, lighter tones of whichever colours you have. If you are targeting an older male demographic, you may want deeper tones.
Shades matter, but even more importantly is the colour base. Blue is associated with finance, software, pharmaceutical, and government. This is because blue provides the messaging of authority, loyalty, power, trust, and professionalism.
Green on the other hand often gives the sense of cleanliness, nature, eco-friendly, and luck. A brand that has successfully implemented the colour green into their messaging is Subway. “Subway, eat fresh.” Whenever you think of the brand you think of a delicious sandwich with fresh ingredients. Many associate it with being “healthy”. This is because of their colour choices, and choice of words. If they discover that the chain isn’t a healthy option, they are shocked, because the branding has been so strong for so long.
So, look at your brand. Is the psychology you are displaying the actual message you want to send to your target audience?
If you are looking at your colour, and shade choices and have no idea what is the right one to market your business, let us know. Together we can make sure you are attracting the right people for your product, service, or brand.