Unlimited Updates
Unlimited A.I. messages
Unlimited Marketing Specialist Support
Unlimited Technical Support
Saved over 15 hours per clients on marketing
Generated over 500 leads to website and conversion rate of 15%
Saved client over $1500 money from traditional marketing and administration
Online store for easy shopping and new income stream with your own brand
Stay connect with your clients with easy access to your resources and materials.
Let customers earn points to redeem rewards by checking into your business or scanning a QR code.
Promote your services, product or portfolio and allow users to rate your photos.
No Hidden Fees - No Transaction Fees - No Commission Charges - No Contract
✔︎ Updates completed by Marketing Specialist
✔︎ Maintain reward/loyalty program, resource/communication centre, App store
✔︎ Full technical support
✔︎ Full analytics (Report on app downloads, user activities, etc.)
✔︎ 24/7 Back up with full security wall
✔︎ Updates completed by Marketing Specialist
✔︎ Unlimited advertising (banners, AI message, etc.)
✔︎ Full technical support
✔︎ Full analytics (who visits websites, which page is visited, name of cities who visited etc.)
✔︎ 24/7 Back up with full security wall
✔︎ Inventory management
✔︎ Order management (status, shipping & tax calculation)
✔︎ Up to 100 products
✔︎ Includes 10 banners
✔︎ Integration with social media
✔︎ Full analytics (reports sales, customers, and products, etc.)
✔︎ 2 Hours of digital marketing consulting
✔︎ Professional design with custom messages
✔︎ Story telling content layout to attract leads
✔︎ 1 Mock-Up review prior to launch